Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Spinnig around...

The latest hit among children is the "Spinner". It drives everyone crazy. Children are asking for it and teachers are asking the children not to have it. This spinner is sold as some helper for children with ADHD however we don’t really know if it’s true. As far as i can tell this little spinning device makes these children more focused on how to spin it rather than listen to the teacher in the class. They are less involved in the lesson and it is also a distraction to other children around them. As a teacher with ADD I find it very HARD to teach while the children play with the spinner in class. I hear the noise it makes and it interferes with  my thoughts while teaching. If we really want to help children with ADD/ADHD give them some Play-Doh in their hands. It is cheaper than the spinner and it can do a better job as a focusing technique in class.
We need to be more creative as teachers and not allow these "games" be in our class. we need tools to help children deal with their listening problems. It’s not easy but we can do it!!!



  1. Hi Chen,
    I couldn't agree with you more - we, as teachers, should find creative ways to keep our pupils interested instead of making them believe that this small spinning toy (that personally, drove me crazy in class) will solve their problems...

  2. I agree with you Chen! It is very hard to teach when 10 children out of 15 are spinning them in front of me... We need to find the answer ourselves inside the classroom
