This is an exciting story about a couple of righteous gentiles who saved more than 300 Jews during the Holocaust. Dr. Jan Żabiński and his wife, Antonina were the keepers of the Warsaw Zoo. At the beginning of the movie they are seen very much devoted to their work and in general very good and humble people. When Germany invaded Poland, their zoo was destroyed and as a plan to save Jews they offered the Germans to make it a facility for pigs. Dr. Jan Żabiński got inside the Warsaw ghetto to take out trash in order to feed the pigs and smuggled Jews to his zoo. That way they managed to save hundreds of Jews during the war.
The suspense killed me! During the whole movie, I was shocked that they risked their lives to rescue Jews. From their point of view all humans are equal and they just wanted to save lives. They planned everything so that the Germans won’t find out, and there were a few times when they almost got caught. What amazed me was that it is based on a true story.
We all know and have seen Holocaust movies and are excited each time to hear different tales of survival. But this touching movie really stands out from the rest. The idea of using a zoo to hide Jews, the integration of animals in the story, and the humanity all make the film special and extraordinary.
So, in conclusion, you must see it! Be prepared to cry and feel emotionally overloaded. It’s the kind of movie after seeing which you are so overwhelmed that you can’t stop thinking about it. You will simply admire those people and be convinced that there are good and pure souls in the world.
wow I will definitely watch it! thank you :)