Saturday, January 21, 2017

Say Cheese

😊Say Cheese😊😊😊

Getting married? Celebrating a Bar/Bat mitzvah?  preparing a gathering for your 40th birthday? If so, you will most definiatley need a skilled photographer.
Well, You are reading the right blog. I know a talented and extremely proffesional phtographer that will make you "simcha"(event) timeless.

Rotem Barak  is a well known photographer in the Tel-Aviv area. he works with a very friendly intuative crew of photographers who will listen to your every request. This amazing crew of photographers  have an understanding among themselves and enjoy working together. you can see their work on Rotem's can read recommendations on his work here.

Rotem first held a camera in the army ,taking pictures needed for the inteligence league. Neddless to say the pictures he takes now are of completeley different style and theme.

 Rotem's work is artistic.His pictures are taken from unexpected angles, therefor making them unique and interesting. He enjoys using the effect of light and dark, white and black and creates another reality at your social or family event..

Rotem also happens to be my lovely brother-in-law but that is not why I decided to write about him.(Of course it gives him extra credit on my behaf as a person.) I decided to share  this with you since our blog is about recommending things to each other. I recommend Rotem as your photographer for your next event.

If you happen to be looking for a photographer I suggest you  look up RotamBarak.
don't forget to "Say Cheese"😊 


  1. I looked into some of his photos, and he seems like a very talented guy!

  2. Rotem has obviously come a long way since his work in an intelligence unit (basketball teams have leagues).... I think his photos are very artistic. You aren't prejudiced--just reporting the facts!
    Aliza Yahav

  3. a beautifuly written recommandation :) thank you

  4. Thank you for your recommedation! I checked some of his pictures, they are nice!
    I wish him good luck and a lot of clients!

  5. It seems that Rotem has a great talent and quality! I will look into his photos.
    Thanks for your lovely recommendation !!

  6. Our next Bar Mitva is in less than two years, I'll consider him to cherish our moments.

  7. I also had an amazing photographer at my wedding.
    Forgot his name, though.

  8. I will definitely add him to my list :)
